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Zone Expropriation

△ High land use benefit △

△ Satisfied public facilities △

△ Increase quality lifestyle △

△ Promoting urban development constructions △


Origin and purpose

To coordinate with the construction project of high-speed railway and improve the construction of the high-speed railway station and its surrounding areas, the experience of developing specific zones for high-speed rail within the country was referred to, and regulations such as the Rewarding Private Participation in Transportation Construction Act and the Land Acquisition Act were taken into account. In the future, the development will be carried out through sectional land acquisition, and various public works will be planned, designed, and constructed to attract population and industries to settle in, promote development and stimulate commercial activities, in order to drive new prosperity in the local area.

Scope and area of the Zone Expropriation

The area for segmental acquisition is based on the range of the high-speed rail station and its related facilities, as well as the residential areas, commercial areas, high-speed rail technology and trade special zones, and public facility land required for development, with a total area of 148.31 hectares.

Procedure of  Zone Expropriation

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