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About the Pingtung HSR Special District

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Pingtung, The New Town Center


Project Origin

In order to cope with the development of Pingtung HSR Station, Ministry of Transportation and Communication commissioned Pingtung County Government to carry out the urban planning for Pingtung HSR Special District, which provides interchange for both HSR and railway systems.

Within the Pingtung HSR Special District, there are also several ongoing developments, such as the expansion of Pingtung Technology Industrial Park conducted by the Ministry of Economy Affairs, Pingtung Science Park of which is in charged by the National Science and Technology Council, and the Pingtung International Baseball Stadium that is Pressed ahead by Pingtung County Government are within the HSR Special District.

Project Location

The master plan of the site encompasses its adjacent Pingtung Science Park, the expansion of Pingtung Technology Industrial Park and the Pingtung International Baseball Stadium.

The site is bounded in the East by public-owned lands,  and Liukuaicuo drainage; bounded in the West by Gaoping River, bounded to the North by Pingtung Airport, whilst borders Pingtung Technology Industrial Park in the South.

Majority of lands belongs to public owned and Taiwan Sugar Corporation, totaled 310 hectares.

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